Wzup motha fvcker never got a call from u biitch. Vea pedaso de hijueputa deje de jugar de hombre si no lo es. I just found out who da fvck u are.... y se lo digo una y unica ves pedazo de maricon. First and last fvcking warning, u wanna fvck with me u know where I live and u know where I work carepicha...... if u wanna do something about it, let me know and we get this shit over once in for all. Don´t go fvcking around like ur big shot under a new name playaso, I had an idea it was u but never thought u were such a fvcking coward to go under a different name and pretend u were a man. I know where u work (Paseo Colon) and I know where u live (Heredia) one of my boys told me the IP adresses matched. If I get another fvcking estupides de usted, I´m not gonna wait for u to look for me, I will directly go where u are at beat the shit out of you motha fvcker..... like I said last and only fvcking warning coward ass biitch!!!!